Amalaki is a fruit that has many herbal qualities. The leaves are also used as medicines since the fruit. A lot of Vitamin 'C' Bhaupur Ambulki.
Nutrition scientists say that there are three times and ten times more vitamin C than in guava and pagoda lemon. In Amloki, oranges are 15 to 20 times higher than lemon, 120 times higher than apples, 24 times greater than America and 60 times more vitamin C than a collar. Apart from removing many diseases of this ambulki, it helps in creating the immune system. Ayurvedic medicines are now being used by Amlakis for the quality of Amalaki.
Advantages -
Vitamin C is rich in antioxidant elements in Amloki. Beneficial for keeping ambulki skin, hair and eyes good. It includes phytochemicals which help in preventing the disintegration with the eye. Ambulki helps digestion and stays the stomach to the acid balance.
Amalaki keeps the liver good, helps in the activity of the brain, so the mantle functioning is good. Amalaki Blood Sugar Level Control helps prevent diabetes. Help keep cholesterol levels low. Keeps the heart healthy, strengthens the lungs.
Keeps the body cool, increases the efficiency of the body, strengthens the muslin tone. Increasing the number of red blood cells increases teeth and nails well. Protects from fever, indigestion, sunburn, sunburst. Amalek juice is beneficial for keeping the eye energy strong. Helps prevent cataracts. Acne and other skin problems are beneficial. Keeps abdominal irritation low. Helps in liver activities, reduce piles problems Helps the body to eat unnecessary fat.
Amalekites juice is useful for bronchitis and asthma. You can eat a little honey and butter with ambulki powder and eat it before eating. Helps to increase hunger. One glass can eat twice a day by mixing ammunition powder and little sugar in milk or water. Helps reduce the problems of assiduity. Amalekite little salt, keep lemon juice in the sun. You can eat after drying.
Amalaki can eat food with food. The digestion will help. Put amlaki in medium size and let it flow in the water. If the ambulki is soft, then it can be reduced to salt, ginger curry, lemon juice and keep it in the sun. It will be good throughout the year.
Also, the ambulance is effective in treating pancreatic (pancreatic) wounds after pancreatitis disease. Experimental medicines produced from fruits, leaves, and peal have been found to cure some diseases such as diabetes, cancer, inflammation and kidney disease.
It is evident that ambulki can reduce blood cholesterol levels in humans, it has been found in the study of diabetic mice, Amalaki's blood can reduce blood sugar levels and help restore liver function.
1) Amalaki works as a haircut and it is an important element in hair care. It does not only strengthen the hair follicles, it also helps in hair growth.
2) Cleansing the problem of hair and preventing the hair.
3) Amlokir juice can solve constipation and piles problems. It also helps prevent stomach disorders and indigestion.
4) A glass of milk or water can be consumed twice a day by mixing bitter powders and little sugar, and this will reduce the problems of your acidity.
5) After eating half-crushed dry fruits in a glass of water, digestion problems will be cut. Amalaki treats with food helps digestion.
6) Every morning, eating honey mixed with Amalaki juice will remove the black spots of the skin and increase the brightness of the skin.
7) Amalaki juice helps raise eyesight. There are many problems in the eyes such as eye irritation, eye irritation, or getting rid of water problems.
8) Beneficial for keeping skin clean, hair and eyes. It contains phytochemicals which help in preventing the disorder associated with the eye.
9) In addition to eating Amloki juice every day, breath/mouth odor is removed and teeth are tough.
10) Amalaki sak and bitter, increase taste and taste in the mouth. To increase the taste and increase the hunger, you can eat a little honey and butter with the ammunition powder before eating it before eating.
11) Increases immunity and reduces stress.
12. Amalaki is very beneficial for a cough, vomiting, insomnia, pain, and pain.
13) Anarkali juice is useful for bronchitis and asthma.
14) Keeps the body cool, improves the body's efficiency, strengthens the muscles.
15) It strengthens the heart, lungs, and strengthens the brain. Amalaki ritual or morphable remove brain and heart failure.
16) Helps the body wash unnecessary fat.
17) Increasing the number of red blood cells increases teeth and nails well.
18) The antioxidant material helps prevent free radicals. These free radicals are one of the reasons for aging and cell disorder.
19) Coughing, coughing, stomach discomfort and anemia are very good.
20. Blood Sugar Level Control helps prevent diabetes. Bits of help keep cholesterol levels low.
21. Amlaki helps digestion and maintains balance in the stomach acid.
22. Amalaki keeps the liver good, helps in the activity of the brain, and the result is mental functioning.
23. Amalek juice is beneficial for keeping the eye energy strong. Helps prevent cataracts. Acne and other skin problems are beneficial.
Nutrition scientists say that there are three times and ten times more vitamin C than in guava and pagoda lemon. In Amloki, oranges are 15 to 20 times higher than lemon, 120 times higher than apples, 24 times greater than America and 60 times more vitamin C than a collar. Apart from removing many diseases of this ambulki, it helps in creating the immune system. Ayurvedic medicines are now being used by Amlakis for the quality of Amalaki.
Advantages -
Vitamin C is rich in antioxidant elements in Amloki. Beneficial for keeping ambulki skin, hair and eyes good. It includes phytochemicals which help in preventing the disintegration with the eye. Ambulki helps digestion and stays the stomach to the acid balance.
Amalaki keeps the liver good, helps in the activity of the brain, so the mantle functioning is good. Amalaki Blood Sugar Level Control helps prevent diabetes. Help keep cholesterol levels low. Keeps the heart healthy, strengthens the lungs.
Keeps the body cool, increases the efficiency of the body, strengthens the muslin tone. Increasing the number of red blood cells increases teeth and nails well. Protects from fever, indigestion, sunburn, sunburst. Amalek juice is beneficial for keeping the eye energy strong. Helps prevent cataracts. Acne and other skin problems are beneficial. Keeps abdominal irritation low. Helps in liver activities, reduce piles problems Helps the body to eat unnecessary fat.
Amalekites juice is useful for bronchitis and asthma. You can eat a little honey and butter with ambulki powder and eat it before eating. Helps to increase hunger. One glass can eat twice a day by mixing ammunition powder and little sugar in milk or water. Helps reduce the problems of assiduity. Amalekite little salt, keep lemon juice in the sun. You can eat after drying.
Amalaki can eat food with food. The digestion will help. Put amlaki in medium size and let it flow in the water. If the ambulki is soft, then it can be reduced to salt, ginger curry, lemon juice and keep it in the sun. It will be good throughout the year.
Also, the ambulance is effective in treating pancreatic (pancreatic) wounds after pancreatitis disease. Experimental medicines produced from fruits, leaves, and peal have been found to cure some diseases such as diabetes, cancer, inflammation and kidney disease.
It is evident that ambulki can reduce blood cholesterol levels in humans, it has been found in the study of diabetic mice, Amalaki's blood can reduce blood sugar levels and help restore liver function.

2) Cleansing the problem of hair and preventing the hair.
3) Amlokir juice can solve constipation and piles problems. It also helps prevent stomach disorders and indigestion.
4) A glass of milk or water can be consumed twice a day by mixing bitter powders and little sugar, and this will reduce the problems of your acidity.
5) After eating half-crushed dry fruits in a glass of water, digestion problems will be cut. Amalaki treats with food helps digestion.
6) Every morning, eating honey mixed with Amalaki juice will remove the black spots of the skin and increase the brightness of the skin.
7) Amalaki juice helps raise eyesight. There are many problems in the eyes such as eye irritation, eye irritation, or getting rid of water problems.
8) Beneficial for keeping skin clean, hair and eyes. It contains phytochemicals which help in preventing the disorder associated with the eye.
9) In addition to eating Amloki juice every day, breath/mouth odor is removed and teeth are tough.
10) Amalaki sak and bitter, increase taste and taste in the mouth. To increase the taste and increase the hunger, you can eat a little honey and butter with the ammunition powder before eating it before eating.
11) Increases immunity and reduces stress.
12. Amalaki is very beneficial for a cough, vomiting, insomnia, pain, and pain.
13) Anarkali juice is useful for bronchitis and asthma.
14) Keeps the body cool, improves the body's efficiency, strengthens the muscles.
15) It strengthens the heart, lungs, and strengthens the brain. Amalaki ritual or morphable remove brain and heart failure.
16) Helps the body wash unnecessary fat.
17) Increasing the number of red blood cells increases teeth and nails well.
18) The antioxidant material helps prevent free radicals. These free radicals are one of the reasons for aging and cell disorder.
19) Coughing, coughing, stomach discomfort and anemia are very good.
20. Blood Sugar Level Control helps prevent diabetes. Bits of help keep cholesterol levels low.
21. Amlaki helps digestion and maintains balance in the stomach acid.
22. Amalaki keeps the liver good, helps in the activity of the brain, and the result is mental functioning.
23. Amalek juice is beneficial for keeping the eye energy strong. Helps prevent cataracts. Acne and other skin problems are beneficial.
Amalia properties in Herbal Medicine
Reviewed by Toyeb
August 27, 2018

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