The figs have been used as herbs since ancient times. The primate of the figs in the maternity house is to be held in the house. There are two types of figs in our country, namely -
Kakadumur and Yajna figs.
The leaves of Kakadumur are larger and more durable than the leaves of Yajnadumur. That's why it is also called famed. Apart from this, there is also Baradumur. Jaya figure and Californian fig (known as an anchor) etc. The condition of the herbal use of Kakdumur is given below.
It is said by the folks that eating and eating the disease. The origin of this disease is in the arsenal of air and the treatment of cardiovascular disease is inevitable. In this disease, fruit juice of Kakdumur can be found in two or three days after taking two teaspoons each day.
Nutritional quality:
In this case, it is necessary to dry the ripe kakadumura after seeing the insects and then dry in the sun. Then boil half a cup of milk and 2 cups of water in every 5 grams of water and bring it to semi-half cup and drink it with a fig.
In this case, the Kakadumur ripe fruit juice will be heated to two teaspoons of water once or twice a day. It also reduces the risk of chest weaknesses and also suffocates.
Blood type:
If the ripe kakadumur is small, then the water is mixed with two water, it will take two to three times a day, it will stop bleeding within 2-3 days, there will be no tusk and cough.
After the blood and whitewater, the raw pod of Kakadumur tree 10 grams a little, and after boiling 3 cups of water, bring it to a cup and eat it in the morning and afternoon. By this, bloodshed should also be used. If the white is consumed for a few days then it will be useful. If you wash it with boiled water, then this disease will be quickly harvested.
Abdominal blame:
If the stomach fault is twelve months, then at the beginning of the Kakadumu tree, dry the bark with 10 grams, and after drinking it 4 cups of water, after having a cup of water, let it be eaten twice a day and eat it in the afternoon.
White diseases:
By playing the rules of abdominal sterilization in the case of white diseases, the color of the stains will gradually begin to become normal. Eggs must also be eaten. When the treatment begins, how many days should be stopped after the inflammation or irritation of the stains?
Leather discoloration:
For any reason, if the color of the skin is changed, then the skin of the Kakadumur (raw fig or bark) should be washed 10-15 skin. The fruit of the bark or fruits should be boiled and boiled in 4 cups of water to cool it down to 1 percent. If you use it for 15-20 days, the color will be smooth.
Malicious wounds:
Rotten or contaminated blow, whether it is new or old, 20 grams of cocadumure buds will be washed in water and will be washed. Take 5-6 cups of water in it and boil it to one and a half cups to be used.
Menstrual period:
If the girls have extra menstrual periods, it is beneficial to eat honey mixed with tender cinnamon juice. It is also mixed with milk and sugar.
Blood transfusion or bleeding from the mouth:
Mix it with candy in a small quantity of cinnamon and drink it twice a day (1 teaspoon of rice, half a teaspoon of candy powder, it will stop bleeding in the mouth, it will be eaten for 3-4 days.
Due to this disease, a bud of cucumber leaves is chewed with asphalt rice and the patient is relieved. So it will be three days to eat. Besides, after smashing the sugar syrup with candy, mix 2 tablespoons of tea after spraying it with a lottery.
Dizziness :
First, take 1 teaspoon of misery at Bhanapada after eating fried gram and it helps.
The juice of the root of the cucumber tree is very useful in the disease. However, if you play for a long time, it will be useful.
Kakadumu walks chalk and after cutting it for a few seconds after drinking it half an hour after drinking it and drinking 4-5 times after the drink is stopped.
Besides, there is enough iron in Kakdumur to play, it plays scurvy, blood circulation, blood pressure, urine, blood urine and anemia, but it is more constipated when playing.
It is also known as Uyumpar. Yajnadumar is working on wormwood, sinusitis, swelling, blood clots, pesticides, leprosy. If the fibers of the lumbar knee are foil, then the pain and inflammation decrease pain. Below is the use of Yajnadumur.
To be bleeding:
In this case, when the blood of the yagadumur is felt, the blood will be stopped, the pain will not be done and the blow will be restored. (Rules for making density: 12-15 cm Dal with raw leaves, cook it, and after watering it soften it again and again after dumping it becomes a little thicker than chitagur, or if you have to dig it and save it. It does not ruin it by mixing it.
Toxic worm-spider bites and dogs:
In this case, when the density of the yagadumur is felt, the irritation will be relieved, the poison will not be there.
Beating and hitting:
In this situation, when mixed with two cubes of water, it will reduce the pain and pain of both the flowers and the pain.
Four times the density of the density is mixed with water and placed on cotton or cotton, it will burst pus, and it will be cleared within a few days.
Smells of mouth, teeth and mouth wounds:
In this condition, if the eighths of jaguar density of the water are melted or left in the mouth, the disease will be relieved in a day or two.
Due to the inflammation of the yajadamur, it reduces inflammation and pain, and it also goes.
Bloodshed, blood vessels, and blood vessels:
With 12 grans of dense coconut of Yajnadumur mix 50 ml of water mixed with water 2-3 times, a day helps relieve the disease.
Biological diseases:
In this case, the dried leaves of the Yajnadumar mixed with powdered honey can be rectified.
Chicken Pox:
In these cases, it is particularly beneficial to pour milk in the milk and fry it in honey.
Characteristics of figs Herbal Medicine
Reviewed by Toyeb
August 28, 2018

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