Pregnancy is a very desirable thing for all the girls. When a woman is pregnant for the first time, she has a lot of things unknown. For this little unknown information, many times a lot of prejudice is tried to impose on the mother. It is understood that if a woman has been pregnant, she can see some signs.
1. During pregnancy, health care should be done at least 3 times by the healthcare provider.
2. During pregnancy, two TT vaccinations have to be taken.
3. You will have to eat more than enough food daily than usual.
4. Pregnant women need to drink plenty of water regularly.
5. Pregnant women need to be clean and clean. He has to do a regular shower.
6. After lunch, take a minimum of 1-2 hours to rest.
Which can not be done during pregnancy?
1. The hard work of households such as paddy straw, rice bran, pressed etc.
2. Take something heavy
3. Take a stroll away and carry something heavy
4. Doing something that shakes the body
5.Have long been involved in any activity
6. Don't .quarrel and rebuke.
7. Honeymoon, refrain from eating papaya.
8. Don't Tobacco, Fib used.
9..Accept smoking or any other addictive products.
10. Accepting any medication without health worker or doctor's advice.

Powerful foods such as.
*Rice, bread/cloth, potato, sugar, molasses,
*Soybean oil, nuts, liver
* Ghee/butter, egg yolk etc.
*Energy discharging and newborn's body-enhancing food- like:
*Fish, meat, milk, egg white
*Variety of pulses, beans, beans etc.
*Energy disorders preventive foods- eg:
*Green, yellow and other colored vegetables
*All seasonal fruits
*Pregnant mother will eat, how much to eat
*Every day you have to eat some food from the three types of food list.
*Every morning you have to eat a little more than usual.
*Government mother will have to drink more water
What to do during pregnancy
Reviewed by Toyeb
January 30, 2018

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