The word 'karate' is Japanese; It means "empty hands" Karate is a kind of 'martial art' or empty battle in the hands - an Indian Buddhist monk has a direct role behind the rise of the war ... In the mid-twentieth century, Karate spread to the world and its popularity became unbearable.
Bodhisattva was an Indian Buddhist monk from the 5th century Christianity. Occasionally I was thinking that Bengali was Buddhist or not; Because at that time the conquest of Buddhism in ancient Bengal. I know about the 7th-century chaps. Probably Bodhisadhyay was the predecessor of the Charpak's writers. Buddhist went to China, and this is a sophisticated philosophy in the world - the father of Jain Buddhist philosophy.
There is a fairytale in China and Japan about the emergence of Karat. Bodies are forbidden to kill animals. So when Buddhism crossed the Himalayas to preach Buddhism in the 500th century AD, when it adopted the technique of self-defense that was used to protect against wild animals and barbaric travels, then the process became self-defense or karate in China and Japan. As non-violent, the Bodhisatta did not carry arms while going to China. This unarmed idea is one of the key features of Karaa. Bodhi Dharma reached China Look at the local Chinese wrestling technique. Discover a method of meditation by combining the strategy with that strategy. Deep breathing and limb expansion or excitation within the medulla The name of the meditation that will be named after Kung Fu
In this period, the strategy of self-defense is spread to neighboring areas, through the traders of Bodhisiddhas. Especially in Ryukyu state, The kingdom of Ryukyu Island from Japan to Taiwan was spreading. It was an independent state for a long time. In the 19th century, the Ryukyukas became integral to Japan. The island of Okinawa was in Ryukyu State. Okinawa island is 740 kilometers south of China's mainland, 6 miles wide and 70 miles long. Okinawa coral island. The position of two in the middle of the important naval trade route. The Japanese discovered the first island. On occasions of history, a ban was imposed in Okinawa on the use of arms. Boxing or boxing took place in Okinawa for the sake of defense, whose name was 'Sa'. 'In' means hand. And, 'who' means zero. From this, karate originated from Karate self-defense is in the hands of empty hands Once upon a time, through the elite and merchandise, from the Chinese to the elite Buddhist technique, self-defense techniques. This leads to a radical change in the Karate in Okinawa.
Whatever happens In the Okinawa, three cities are named Shuri, Naha,
Now we will see how the maritime art Karate of Okinawa Island spread all over the world.
Remember that the island of Okinawa was in the Ryukyu state. The state of Raiyukui for a long time was independent. In the 19th century, the Ryukyu kingdom became a part of Japan. In the twentieth century, Japan's cultural exchange agreement was signed with the Ryukyu state. This is the first time in Karate el Japan. Japan government of Okinawa Karateguru invites Japan to teach karate. Since 1924, the Karate Club has developed in the Japanese University. Since then, the Japanese style of karate takes the touches.
Not so violent as the Hong Kong-based action movie Karate has rendered as perturbed!
Meanwhile, the US military base was established in Okinawa after World War II. Among the officers there became popular among Karate. So Karate reached Europe-America. Karate became popular around the world as 'Oriente Marshall Art' in the sixties and seventies.
In the mid-twentieth century, Karate spread across the world and became incredibly popular due to its unique features. Markers also take part in the game. It is astonishing to think that an Indian Buddhist monk Bodhidharma is at the core of Karta. On the basis of his direction, the local boxing of the Ryukyu State of Okinawa Island had a radical change.
Two questions can arise in connection with Karate. What is the difference between what we know about Judo and Kung Fu?
Kung Fu is the Chinese martial art or wrestling which originated in the 5th century Xen Temple of Zhen Temple in Shaolin Temple. To remember Indian Buddhist monk Bodhi Dharma, the original founder of China's Shaolin Temple. His trained martial art took the form of Kung Fu during the period.
'Shaolin Temple' photo. There has been a lot of action-oriented action movie on Karate and Kung Fu.
And Judo is the Hull Japanese wrestling. Its history is relatively young. In 1882 Dr. Kano Jigoro invented this combative sport. Judo means' Genuine Way.
Gichin Funakoshi was born on November 10, 1868, the time of the Meiji Restoration, in Shuri, Okinawa, to a low-rank Ryūkyūan Pechin and initially had the family name Tominakoshi. Funakoshi was conceived rashly. His dad's name was Gisu. In the wake of entering grade school he t, burned out to be dear companions with the child of Ankō Azato, a karate, and Jigen-ryū ace who might before long turn into his first karate instructor. Funakoshi's family was solidly restricted to the nullification of the Japanese topknot, and this implied he would be ineligible to seek after his objective of going to therapeutic school, in spite of having passed the placement test. Being prepared in both established Chinese and Japanese methods of insight and lessons, Funakoshi turned into a collaborator educator in Okinawa.
Karate/Martial art history of the world
Reviewed by Toyeb
July 21, 2018

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