Generally, the food we eat every day contains natural vitamins. But those vitamins are so sensitive that if the proper process is not cooked then the nutritional quality of those foods is damaged. But sometimes our body can not absorb the natural vitamins from these natural foods in the normal process. Foods that contain facts and tannins inhibit the absorption of vitamins in our body. Vitamin does not contain any calories and vitamins help to consume protein, carbohydrate, and fat in the daily diet. Vitamin also helps in increasing the body and tissue of our body, as well as the maintenance of various organs and the prevention of disease. Like protecting our body from a premature fetus, vitamins also help to fight cancer and oxidative damage (made from pollution and stress) in many cases. Know essential vitamins and their sources.
Vitamin A:
We all know how much we need for our body in vitamins.
And it is very important for all women and men to get vitamins.
Because vitamins contain many disease-resistant abilities. As a result, it helps to keep bones and teeth strong.
Together with vitamins, the tissues, skin, and muscles are strengthened.
Even taking regular vitamins reduces the risk of long-term illnesses,
Helps to improve eyesight, keeps the aging process slow.
As a result, the likelihood of the increase in age is very low.
Liver etc.
There are plenty of vitamins in the food. All these foods need to be accepted regularly.
If there is a reduction in vitamin A due to some reason, then it is necessary to take a few vitamins in a month.
But according to the doctor's advice.
Vitamin B boosts metabolism by increasing memory, says a nutritionist. B6 produces red blood cells.
Vitamin B9 is known as Folic Acid, which includes cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, depression,
Resists cancer and memory loss. So Vitamin-B is very important for us.
As a result, we should take all these foods and we should. Let's know there is no food item.
1) Kazu
One of the most delicious foods rich in Vitamin B is Kaju. Especially the butterfly is not comparable.
It contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6.
2) Spirulina
Deep sea shawl finds it. From here the marine fish collect their nutrition. Daily Spirulina

The demand is 150 percent Vitamin B12. Vitamin B6 contains 50 percent. Only one tablespoon can be found in Spirulina.
3) Oot
It contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B6. Besides, it also works to reduce cholesterol.
So those who want weight control, they should take it.
4) Banana
Banana is a fruit or vegetable known to us. The raw banana is known to us as vegetables.
This results in vitamin B5 and B6. Apart from this, potassium, fiber, vitamin C and water are also available.
5) Sweet potato
Who does not like it? Vitamin B6 will be available with taste.
There are magnesium, potassium, beta-carotene and vitamin C.
6) Palang
The Vitamin B2A Vitamin B9 (Follett) gives this leafy winter vegetable of our country. Iron and Vitamin C are in it.
7) Nut butter
Vitamin B contains all the nuts. However, it has the highest concentration of B1, B2, B5, and B9,
These vitamins are very useful for the body. There are also beneficial ingredients for vegetable protein and cardiovascular vitamins.
Remove medicine take Food Nutrition vitamin A,B
Reviewed by Toyeb
July 23, 2018

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